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Happy 95th birthday to Tiger Head Group

2023-08-18 00:00:00

Today is Tiger Head's 95th birthday!

95 Years of Sparking Brilliance!

For years, Guangzhou Tiger Head Battery Group Co., Ltd. has been sticking to its mission and beliefs to press forward with indomitable will,providing high-performance environmental protection power products for global consumers. From our very first battery to cutting-edge innovations today, Tiger Head Battery has been a shining light in the industry.

We originated in 1928 and is headquartered in Guangzhou, China. It is a state-owned holding company and a key enterprise for dry batteries. It realizes the annual sales over 6 billion pieces of dry batteries, which makes it leading battery enterprise in China, not only in the concern of sales volume and export volume, but also of export value and main business incomes.

Join us in celebrating Tiger Head's 95th anniversary. From Our Hearts to Yours! Get ready to be moved by a heartfelt video crafted by the incredible employees of Tiger Head Battery. Join us in celebrating 95 years of dedication, passion, and teamwork that have made our journey remarkable. Stay tuned for this special tribute!

And thanks for global consumers in the past 95 years, let's move forward together in the future!

#Battery #DryBattery #AlkalineBattery #CarbonBattery #ButtonCell #CarBattery #Solar Battery #MadeInChina #Since1928 #TigerHead95

For more information, visit our website at https://www.tigerheadbattery.com/ and connect with us on social media for the latest updates and exciting offers:
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